Amplitude Infinity WF- 4 - WF-4


Amplitude Infinity WF- 4 - WF-4

Externý sklad - po pridaní do košíka a odoslaní objednávky je možné nezáväzne zistiť dostupnosť

Nový produkt

159,90 €

Extremely versatile general-purpose taper designed for most freshwater species; an excellent line for trout, grayling, panfish, bass, carp, steelhead, salmon, and pike. When we see room for improvement, we jump at the chance. In this case, we wanted to make our lines even slicker and more durable. Which brings us to AMPLITUDE. The first series of lines to feature the revolutionary AST PLUS slickness additive, the Amplitude will shoot farther and last longer than any other line on the market. It’s SLICKNESS down to a SCIENCE.
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